5 Fun, Creative and Delicious Things To Do for Easter

Five fun and creative things to do at Easter by Heathcote & Ivory

There’s something about Easter that spells joy, fun and the cheer of spring. For a handful of fun and creative Easter-inspired things to do read on.

1) Flex your Artistic Skills and Paint an Easter Egg

There are hundreds of egg painting ideas and tutorials you can discover online. Sugar-dipped, marbled, water coloured, confetti-strewn, decorated with cut-outs, nail polish, floral tattoos, floral stamps. You name it, you can do it. We love classic, hand-painted eggs like the ones we have used in some of our Easter images.


If you are painting a real egg the first challenge is to blow your egg without breaking it. Here is a tutorial we found on the BBC Good Food website on how to blow an egg (tip: patience and a sharp pin). Once you have your canvas (or egg) ready, release your inner Grayson and get painting…

For some brilliant egg painting ideas for kids, check out Pinterest. Or, simply, give them an egg, a paint brush, some kiddie paints and let them play with their imagination.

2) Join an Easter Egg Hunt

The National Trust is planning Easter nature trails from over the Easter bank holiday weekend. Imagine nature walks for you and your family with different things to do. And we hear there might be a chocolate reward at the end of it too. For more information and updates on Easter egg trails head over to the National Trust website.

3) Make an Easter Table Arrangement

Time to get Easter #TableScaping… Pinterest is a great source for inspiration meantime here are a few super-simple ideas from us:

Fill jam jars with spring flowers picked from the garden or purchased from your local florist or nursery. Arrange on the table in groups of one and three down the centre of your table – odd numbers always work best.

Line a pretty bowl with fresh, clean moss and then fill with chocolate eggs and display on your breakfast table. Forage for moss on your next country walk, and if it’s very damp, line your bowl then allow to dry overnight before laying on your chocolate eggs.

Fill a tabletop planter with bulbs in bloom and decorate with miniature eggs and chocolate bunnies. This will make a great side table display.

4) Plan an Easter Tea

Easter has got to be one of the best times to indulge in a delicious tea. It’s the weekend, sweetness is in the air and for those who follow Lent, you’ve done it.

Time for toasted hot cross buns with melting butter, Easter cakes topped with miniature eggs, a delicious cup of tea around your festive Easter table decked with daffodils, colourful eggs and Easter bunnies. The traditional cake for Eastertime is the Simnel cake, which takes us onto our fifth Easter activity…

5) Bake a Simnel Cake

This rich fruit cake decorated with marzipan really is traditional Easter fare. Topped with eleven marzipan balls which represent 11 of the 12 apostles it was originally made for Mothering Sunday.

We have discovered a recipe for how to make a Simnel cake by Nigella, and our beauty editor will be trying it out at the weekend. It promises to be a goodie – lighter than the usual richer, denser versions. As a taster here are the ingredients Nigella includes in her recipe:

  • Glace cherries
  • Mixed dried fruit
  • Caster sugar
  • Lemon zest
  • Plain flower
  • Baking powder
  • Ground cinnamon
  • Ground ginger
  • Ground almonds
  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Yellow marzipan (to decorate)
  • Icing sugar
  • Apricot jam

Follow this link to Nigella.com and Nigella’s fabulous Simnel Cake recipe. Happy Baking and a Happy Easter!

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